The Book Thief (2023) Author : Markus Zusak Released : 2006 Synopsis : Liesel Meminger, a little girl with a conflicted, poverty-stricken childhood, is sent off to live with a foster family in Molching, Germany and the story traces her journey of navigating love, loss, grief and acceptance against the backdrop of the 1930s Holocaust. Rating : ★★★★★ The Book Thief is an utterly moving tale of Liesel Meminger, a nine-year-old girl trying to navigate loss, grief and finding her place in a reality whipped by the brutality of the Holocaust. Ever since hearing about The Book Thief in 2019, I had been wanting to get my hands on it. And now, four years later, here I am, finally having finished the book and I’m glad I did. " Vivid and gripping" Zusak’s writing echoes a voice that comes off as truly original and distinct. His imaginative style of writing paints strangely vivid, heart wrenching visuals that remain etched in your heart. Zusak’s choice of words and habit of blending m...
Man may pride himself with the illusion of having conquered and understood every force to exist, and revels in his own ignorant wonder. But he stands defeated and will never quite manage to fathom one such force - time. I am the witness of what is forgotten or left behind by the rest of existence, the one with no predecessor. The nameless visitor who quietly sits by countless bedsides, looking on as men shrivel, wither and the walls of their existence slowly crumble and erode, while my friend carefully loosens the soul from the case. I listen to every regret and complaint as they grip my hand tightly, not realising that I am the eternal passenger of a journey they have long completed. I am the mason who hardens cracks and dissolves distances. I free the delicate, strained human heart by befriending the fragile memory the race is blessed with. I weave thick, joyful narratives and paint the highs with more vibrant hues to feed enough joy recollecting for a lifetime, while I also tac...