East Side Sushi (2014) Cast: Diana Elizabeth Torres, Yutaka Takeuchi, Kaya Jade Aguirre, Rodrigo Duarte Clark Director: Anthony Lucero Synopsis: Juana, a Latina single mum strives hard to become a sushi chef and prove her potential against all odds, working in a Japanese restaurant while trying to make a living to support her daughter and father. Rating: ★★★★☆ East Side Sushi is the story on Juana, a single mum who struggles to make ends meet amidst the chaos of her momentary jobs where each job did not last for more than two weeks. The story kicks off with the daily routine of Juana and the challenges she faces. Rodrigo, whom she calls Apa, plays the role of a conservative dad who does not like to experiment and prefers to stick to the past. Here's a dad who wants his daughter to work in a traditional Latino taco restaurant while his daughter, intrigued by the Japanese cuisine, is willing to work in a Japanese sushi restaurant. . Thoug...
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