Seema Raja (2018) Genre : Drama/Romcom Cast : Sivakarthikeyan, Samantha Akkineni, Soori, Simran Director : Ponram Synopsis : Sivakarthikeyan stars as Seema Raja, a young prince of a small town who falls for a school teacher played by Samantha Akkineni. Rating : ★☆☆☆☆ "Drearily dull " Ponram dons the hat of a director yet again after his much-loved blockbusters Varuthapadatha Valibar Sangam (2013) and Rajini Murugan (2015). We enter the theater in high spirits as this film looked promising, after all. We were let down in the very first scene, when our minds started echoing an alert of a plotless commercial film . Ponram as well as Sivakarthikeyan hit rock bottom in our hearts, crushing our hopes. Ponram introduces unnecessary shallow characters for a film that goes about aimlessly. The kabaddi match sequence, poor screenplay, unwanted dialogues on controversies and whirlwind of flashbacks triviali...
Gushing thoughts and feelings