The fresh sunshine of the coast Awakening the damp sand Tenderly kissed by the morning waves The golden drop, slowly trickling upward The ocean air, heavy with salt The sticky breeze in tropic heat The delightful spray of new life The cry of the seagulls awakens the fisherman His coarse hands The fruit of his early toil Sculpted over the ocean of time And sets foot in the damp soil Lovingly pecked by the froth of the waters The vermilion sun in the tan sky His arms, brawn and built The son of the ocean in slaving Let the chains immerse themselves And hush the throb of a tiny sprouting heart To let four more hum in peace The calm waters, washing ashore poetry Some, of joy and mirth Some, of pain and tears Carrying dissolved voices of hope and life And yet an ocean of smothered cries.
Gushing thoughts and feelings