I sit beside my window
My eyes gazing at the clouds up above
Dark and heavy as Earth
Ah, and the fresh smell of parched earth
Laced with the subtle scent of petrichor
Awakens the playful child within
I reach my arm out
And feel tiny droplets hugging my skin
The moisture oozing in
To quench the thirst of the parched soil
Droplets of pure blessings and joy
The cool breeze caresses my cheek
And ruffles my hair playfully
Dragging along dark heavy clouds
A cool blanket to snuggle in
The sweet scent of mango blossoms
Adds a pinch of delight to the air
Every drop echoes a ripple
Leaving a legacy of its own
I sprint across the moist meadow
My feet sloshing in the dewy grass
I twirl like a dewy petal
In pure happiness and bliss
While the heavens pour their grudges
And watch the thirsty saplings
Greedily gulp down mouthfuls
And their hearts gladden
The drops of blessings of nature.
As I gaze at the grieving skies
A tiny droplet trickles down my cheek
And the dark clouds make way for a
Warm dull ray of sunshine
Penetrating the dark blanket of clouds
A pleasant curve like my smile
Only more charming
With vibrant washes of colour from
The very palette of Nature
Flashing a radiant smile of colours infinite.

Dark and heavy as Earth
Ah, and the fresh smell of parched earth
Laced with the subtle scent of petrichor
Awakens the playful child within
I reach my arm out
And feel tiny droplets hugging my skin
The moisture oozing in
To quench the thirst of the parched soil
Droplets of pure blessings and joy
The cool breeze caresses my cheek
And ruffles my hair playfully
Dragging along dark heavy clouds
A cool blanket to snuggle in
The sweet scent of mango blossoms
Adds a pinch of delight to the air
Every drop echoes a ripple
Leaving a legacy of its own
I sprint across the moist meadow
My feet sloshing in the dewy grass
I twirl like a dewy petal
In pure happiness and bliss
While the heavens pour their grudges
And watch the thirsty saplings
Greedily gulp down mouthfuls
And their hearts gladden
The drops of blessings of nature.
As I gaze at the grieving skies
A tiny droplet trickles down my cheek
And the dark clouds make way for a
Warm dull ray of sunshine
Penetrating the dark blanket of clouds
A pleasant curve like my smile
Only more charming
With vibrant washes of colour from
The very palette of Nature
Flashing a radiant smile of colours infinite.
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