Hello readers! Here's some really exciting and heartwarming news - Fledgling is turning one! No matter how many things we have done or achieved, those 'first-times' always capture a special place in our hearts. That first-time element is what drove me to write this thoughtful letter to my soul. This post marks one of my most emotional moments, hitting a new milestone with my most cherished partner in this journey, my dear Fledgling. It's been a year since we hatched open, taking a first glimpse of the outside world as soft sunshine peeked in at dawn. Now, before we knew it, we had started flying across the cliffs! It has been an amazing roller-coaster ride this year, definitely not one without potholes and bumps. But the thrill of turning one with something I hadn't even considered urges me to write more and more, as thoughts and feelings gush through. This journey has been a passionate one and we have also remarkably improved over the months of over ...
Gushing thoughts and feelings
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